Monday, December 13, 2010

Quick and Easy Herbal Gifts for the Holidays

By Danielle Klinkow, Clinical Herbalist

One thing I love about the holiday season is that it provides me with the opportunity to create herbal gifts for people that are special to me.  Everyone loves receiving handmade gifts tailored to their lives, and it’s personally rewarding to create items that are both practical and enjoyable.

This year I decided to focus on salt, a particularly cleansing and flavorful addition to anyone's life.

One of the easiest gifts to make is custom bath salts. They are a luxurious and economical gift for those who enjoy long soaks in the tub. I prefer to make a big batch of a basic bath salt recipe and then add custom ingredients to each jar based on what I think the recipient might enjoy. 

Basic Bath Salt Recipe: 
equal parts Epsom salt, Dead Sea salt, Himilayan pink salt, and baking soda.

Depending on how many jars I want to create, I will usually mix one or two cups of each of these salts and store them in a large glass container until I am ready to use them. Fancy additions to bath salts can include dried flower petals, seaweeds, as well as nutritive and essential oils. The combinations for herbal aromatherapy baths are endless!

Here are a few of my favorites:

The Rose Bath is a beautiful, calming, and moisturizing bath that can be taken when you want to access feelings of love and sensuality. There is nothing better than relaxing into a tub full of rose petals!  Here is the recipe:
1 C basic bath salts 
1/4 oz dried damask rose petals 
20 drops rose scented essential oil (you can use rose geranium, rose attar, rose maroc, or any scent you enjoy within the rose family) 
2 teaspoons glycerin 
2 teaspoons jojoba oil (The jojoba oil and glycerin give the bathwater a silky feel and moisturize the skin at the same time)

Mix the oils together first and then incorporate these into the salt and rose petals. Store in a glass jar. 

When you're ready for your bath, add 1/2 cup into your bath water once the bath has been drawn. It is important to add anything with essential oils to your bath just before you enter the bath, as the oils will quickly evaporate. Draw figure 8's in the water with your hand until all the salt has dissolved -- this both mixes the ingredients into the water and potentizes the water with the energy of the rose flowers and oil. You can also put the mixture into a muslin cloth bag and swish it in the tub, if you prefer not to have to clean rose petals out of your tub at the end of your bath. I like to enjoy this bath while drinking a cup of Uplifting Spirits tea, a custom blend Gathering Thyme makes.

Another enjoyable bath is a stimulating Rosemary Mint Bath, which is perfect for mornings when you have a hard time waking up, or any time you crave mental stimulation. 
1 cup basic bath salt 
1/4 oz dried mint 
1/4 oz dried orange peel 
10 drops rosemary verbena essential oil (or any rosemary E.O.) 
6 drops peppermint essential oil
4 drops lemon essential oil

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and store in a glass container.  In addition to adding these salts to a bath, you can also rub your body with the bag of herbs to facilitate cleansing and detoxification. Try this bath with a cup of Peppermint tea.

The Seaweed Detox Bath is another favorite of mine. I like to take this bath when I am feeling tired and rundown, as it helps to cleanse my system and the lavender oil is particularly relaxing. 
1 cup basic bath salts 
1-2 ounces powdered bladderwrack, kelp or a combination of both (Gathering Thyme can powder these for you) 
20 drops lavender essential oil 
4 tablespoons bentonite clay

Blend thoroughly and store in a glass container. Mix 1/2 cup into a hot bath (as hot as you can stand), and soak for 20-30 minuntes. Make sure to rinse off with soap in a quick shower afterwards, so you don't reabsorb the toxins you just released through your skin. Drink plenty of water during and after this bath, as well as with all baths taken. You can add fresh lemon juice to your water for extra detoxification.

If a bathtub is not available to you, or you simply don’t enjoy baths, a Salt Scrub is another way to cleanse you body, facilitate detoxification, and rejuvenate your spirits. Any of the above recipes can be altered to become salt scrubs instead of salt soaks. Replace the basic bath salt with 1 cup fine grain dead sea salt, add 4 ounces almond oil, and mix in 1 ounce jojoba oil, 2 tablespoons glycerin, and your favorite essential oils. Lavender is a great essential oil for a scrub, as are sweet orange, grapefruit, vanilla, or jasmine. Mix 12-20 drops essential oil per cup of scrub. Please be aware that some essential oils can cause skin irritation, so always research your oils before adding them to any preparation that has direct contact with your skin.

Another salt product that I really enjoy is Flavored Herbal Salts, which add such wonderful accents to meals. When herbal salts are corked in fancy bottles they make beautiful and impressive gifts for the foodie in any family.    

Herbs de Provence mixed with the Celtic Sea salt are a great addition to eggs, chicken breasts, pork tenderloin, grilled zucchini,  or my favorite, mushrooms. 
1 C coarse or finely ground sea salt (grey salt is preferable for its high mineral content and unique flavor) 
3 tbl. oregano leaves 
3 tbl. thyme leaves 
1 tsp. basil leaves 
1 tsp. sage leaf 
2 tbl. marjoram 
2 tbl. lavender 
1 tsp. rosemary. 
Mix thoroughly and store in tightly sealed jars. Add a pinch of this salt at the end of cooking, or season your meats or veggies with the salt before searing or baking.

If you or your loved ones are on a low salt diet, you can make a Flavored Herbal Sprinkle instead. Herb sprinkles are especially good when added to freshly cooked rice, salads, potatoes, or anywhere a little extra flavor (and nutrition) is needed. This recipe is very nutritive; the dulse and nettles are both high in essential minerals, and sesame seeds are very high in calcium. 
1/2 cup dulse flakes 
1/2 cup nettles 
3/4 cup toasted sesame seeds (you can toast raw sesame seed quickly in a cast iron skillet on medium high heat -- just make sure to stir constantly as the burn quickly). 
You can add any spices you like to this basic combination; some spices I enjoy are basil and oregano, or cumin and cayenne pepper. 

Put all ingredients in a Cuisinart or a coffee grinder that has never been used to grind coffee (otherwise your mixture will taste like coffee grounds!), and pulse a few times. You want the mixture to be the consistency of course sand. Fill up a spice jar with a shaker lid attached and enjoy! Yum!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Herb of the Month: Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms have taken the Western Herbal Medicine world by storm in the past decade, although for centuries mushrooms have been prized in Chinese medicine as potent remedies for everything from cancer to impotence to immune deficiencies.  In fact, some mushrooms were reserved for royalty only, such as Reishi.  But throughout the world, from China to Japan to Africa to Old Europe, generations of herbalists have sought out the healing powers of mushrooms to promote healing and longevity.
Many naturopaths recommend taking a mushroom supplement every day alongside your fish oil -- but cooking them into your soup is another easy way to reap the benefits of these friendly fungi that tastes delicious, too!

There are thousands of types of mushrooms throughout the world; no one knows for sure how many of them may be medicinal.  Those that have been studied are used for
immune support, arthritis, anemia, respiratory issues, digestive and cardiovascular diseases,  exhaustion, strength restoration after illness,  support for those going through chemotherapy, HIV, chronic fatigue... the list goes on and on.  

A couple of our favorites are:
- Ganoderma lucidum

This hard woody polypore has  been called "Herb of Immortality", "Marvelous Herb" and "Ten Thousand Year Mushroom." Some consider Reishi or Ling Zhi the cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where it is placed into the highest class of overall tonics. 
Shitake -
Lentinula edodes 
The delicious and popular Shiitake is one of the world's favorite mushrooms because of its superior flavor and extraordinary medicinal qualities. It is an excellent source of protein, potassium, zinc, B-vitamins, complex carbohydrates, as well as all the important essential amino acids. Among its many qualities, it has been shown to pull heavy metals from the body, as was learned from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasake.    
Turkey Tail - Trametes versicolorA small spongy fungus that grows in clusters on decaying logs, its banded edges and colorful appearance give Turkey Tails its common name. Derived from this mushroom is one of the most widely used cancer therapies in Japan. It has been shown to prolong life by suppressing the proliferation of cancer and tumor cells, and by bolstering the immune system's natural response.  It is quite prolific in our area, it's fan-shaped color decorates many a downed oak log along the trail. 
Maitake - Grifola frondosa
This is a tasty and quite nutritious soft-fleshed mushroom with a beautiful ruffled appearance. It is perhaps best known for its powerful abilities in easing the side effects of chemotherapy treatment, while at the same time enhancing the treatment's effectiveness. It is currently the subject of research in the treatment of HIV and AIDS.
Some of our favorite lines for Mushrooms include The Herbal Apothecary, Host Defense, and Ancestral Apothecary.

Magically Delicious Mushroom Bisque Recipe
1 1/2 pounds mushrooms (shitake, oyster, maitake, etc).
2 potatoes, peeled and diced
 1 1/2 cups
bone broth or water
1 1/2 tbsp butter or olive oil
2 cups onion, chopped
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 tsp thyme
3 cups milk, scalded
1 cup heavy cream
black pepper
green onions or chives

1.)  Slice potatoes thinly. Chop mushrooms coarsely. Begin cooking the onion in butter, adding 1 tsp. salt.

2.) When the onion becomes translucent add the potatoes. Continue to cook over fairly low heat, mixing well, so the butter coats everything.

3.) After several minutes add the mushrooms, water, and remaining salt. Cover and cook over medium heat 15 minutes.

4.) Puree the entire mushroom mixture with a submersion blender until  smooth.  Heat very slowly as you whisk in the scalded milk and cream.  

5.) Serve topped with freshly-chopped chives and freshly-grated black pepper.

Recipe adapted from  Mollie Katzen, The Moosewood Cookbook

The Seven Most Important Essential Oils (by David Crow)

David Crow is one of the world’s foremost experts and leading speakers in the field of botanical medicine, natural health and ecological sustainability. He is a master herbalist, aromatherapist and acupuncturist with over 20 years experience and is an expert in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical systems.  He is a renowned author and the founding director of Floracopeia Aromatic Treasures.

Here at Gathering Thyme, we're proud to carry Floracopeia essential oils, which are of the highest quality, have an incredible potency, and are crafted in an ecologically sustainable way -- a rare and important quality in the world of aromatherapy.  Come in today to experience their power -- we're happy to answer whatever questions you may have about these beautiful oils.

*  *  *  *  * 
Here is a short list of what I would consider the most important essential oils, which I will be adding to gradually. The criteria I am using is general safety, overall efficacy, and wide range of therapeutic applications. These are the oils that I would suggest that people have as a home pharmacy, and know how to use effectively.

1. Lavender: The world's number one selling oil. In this list because of its gentle nature, low dermotoxic potential, benefits as a mild calmative relaxant with immune enhancing and antimicrobial powers, a specific remedy for burns, and for assisting children in concentration and learning. I regard lavender as the essential oil equivalent of an adaptogenic herb, because it fulfills the definition of helping the body cope with stress through balancing, strengthening and harmonizing the axis of immune, neurologic and endocrine systems. It of course has a multitude of other uses, many of which are mentioned in the monograph that I have posted.

2. Helichrysum italicum: Number one wound healing oil, with remarkable powers of skin regeneration, scar tissue resolving, anti-inflammatory, blood vitalizing and bruise resolving, and anti-microbial powers.

3. Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi, Himalayan spkienard): One of the most psychoactive of the oils, especially for dreaming, intractable insomnia, deep-seated traumas, high vata and chronic overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.

4. Frankincense (Boswelia genus): One of the most beneficent for ceremonial and ritual purposes, evocative of spiritual moods, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, bruise resolving and blood vitalizing, beneficial for the skin, scar tissue resolving, and excellent for the respiratory system. A multitude of other benefits, including evidence of anti-tumor powers.

5. Respiratory oils: A group instead of a specific oil, this would include the conifers and eucalyptus oils. These are the number one choice for using in diffusers for atmospheric purification and reduction of microbial contagion, for enhancing respiratory immunity, decreasing incidence and aiding symptoms of colds and flus, clearing sinus congestion, enhancing mental clarity.

6. Tea tree (Melaleuca alterniflora): The most studied of the oils for antimicrobial effects. Reports of dermotoxicity if applied directly to the skin, so requiring proper dilution. Can be used effectively with respiratory oils in the diffuser, and blended with niaouli (another species of melaleuca) and/or lemon-scented tea tree (Leptospermum citratum), which is actually a type of manuka.

7. Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens): The most important aromatic tree in South America, used extensively in ceremony and ritual, and for repelling mosquitoes in homes. The oil has a multitude of uses, including antimicrobial, atmospheric purifying, antidepressant and anti-anxiety. It is especially potent as an anxiolytic calmative when inhaled directly, and is reputed to have immediate relaxing effects for panic attacks. It is an excellent oil to use in the diffuser combined with the respiratory category of oils, as it both reduces contagion of airborne pathogens and benefits respiratory conditions.

David Crow will be speaking in January at the Ohlone Herbal School.  For more information, click here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Free Thursday Night Community Education!

Starting this month, Gathering Thyme is happy to host free lectures and discussions by herbalists and other alternative health experts from the Bay Area and beyond. This is just one of the ways we're living up to our promise to be part of the growing movement towards sustainable community health.  Please join us!

Dr. Haushka "Radiant You" Workshop & Giveaway 
Thursday, December 2nd, 7pm

Unveil your inner and outer radiance in this nurturing, informative workshop about organic skin care.  We'll learn Elisabeth Sigmund's signature "Press and Roll" cleansing technique, experiment with different masks and toners made from natural ingredients, and talk about what you can do to keep your skin protected and nourished this winter.  Each participant will receive a personalized "Radiant You" kit from Dr. Haushka.  20 person maximum; please register early to reserve your place. 

"The Herbal Kitchen" Booksigning and Discussion with Kami McBride
Thursday, December 9th, 7pm

Do you enjoy eating garlic bread? Does oregano always find its way into your spaghetti sauce? Do you garnish potato salad with paprika? Then you are participating in the ancient tradition of using herbs to enhance the health benefits of your food. On this special evening, we'll prepare and sample herbally infused foods, and we'll discuss the extraordinary pharmacy that exists in your own kitchen. 

Giving the Gift of Health: Herbal Products for the Holidays with Atava Garcia Swiekcicki
Thursday, December 16th, 7pm

Enjoy the evening sampling herbal teas, tinctures & cordials while you learn about herbal medicine. We will focus on herbs and mushrooms that support immune system function and that will also make wonderful gifts for your loved ones.  Great for budding herbalists!

Cooking Up Health with Traditional Bone Broth

By Emily Bender, NC, CHN

Yum.  I love the fall!  Here in the Bay Area, the fall is a very abundant time.  We have all our beautiful greens, winter squashes and beautiful fruits like persimmons, pomegranates, figs and grapes.    We are so blessed to live a place like this.   And among all this deliciousness, comes the colder weather, which makes it a great time to make soups and stews to deeply nourish the body.

One key ingredient for winter health in my kitchen is long-cooked bone broth.   It serves as the base for soups and stews.  I can cook grains and braise greens in it.   It can be the base for sauces and gravies.  It can be the liquid in pot pies.  Bone broth is rich in minerals that build bone, and adds a nutritional boost to anything you cook with it.   It also has the benefit of containing gelatin, which can be very healing to the gut.   My son always thinks he is getting away with something when I serve him white basmati rice, but I get the last laugh because I cook it with broth!  Vegetarians will prefer a vegetable stock, which can also be rich in minerals.

Many of us are concerned about supporting our immune systems as winter approaches.  By adding a few herbs to your broth, you can turn it into an immune tonic.   You can add shiitake mushrooms, astragalus, jujube dates and goji berries to your stock.   All of these herbs can enhance the flavor of your broth while at the same time enhancing its benefits.  Astragalus, jujube dates and goji berries are all available in the store right now, and shiitakes are coming soon!  Kombu seaweed also adds some extra minerals to your broth, and is available in the store.

There are many very official ways to make the different kinds of bone stock.   Myself, I take more of a cheaters approach.  When I buy meat, I try to buy it on the bone.  Once I have cooked and eaten it, I save the bones in the freezer in a 1-gallon resealable bag until  it is full.  Then I make my broth with the whole bag of mixed up bones.  I usually have more chicken bones than anything else, but I especially like the stock with a couple of beef ribs and some lamb bones.  Here is how I do it:

If  you don’t have a freezer full of bones, you can buy a whole chicken,  or some legs and thighs.

1.     Put Bones in your biggest pot.
2.     Add some veggies.  I like to use onions, carrots and celery.
3.     Add mushrooms and herbs if desired.  2-3 pieces of astragalus root, a dozen whole shiitake mushrooms,  a couple of jujube dates and a dozen goji berries—or any of the above.
4.     Cover it all with cold water until the pot is almost full.
5.     Add 2 T apple cider or red wine vinegar to the water, and let it sit there, cold, for 30-60 minutes.  This helps draw the minerals out of the bones.
6.     Cover and Bring it to a boil.
7.     Reduce heat to simmer, and let it simmer for a LONG TIME: 7-24 hours.
8.     When the broth is cooled enough, out the bones and veggies and compost them.
9.     Save the broth in the fridge and/or freezer.

What you  can do with this amazing elixir:

·      Make soups
·      Make stews
·      Braise vegetables or meats
·      Drink it straight or with just some salt
·      Add it to sauces
·      Make reductions

Hardly anyone leaves my office without hearing about the wonders of bone stock.  It is wonderful for children who might resist eating vegetables, it is wonderful when you are sick and it makes everything you make all the more delicious.  Now that’s the kind of nutritional powerhouse I can get excited about! 

What do I do if the bone broth doesn’t solve my issues with my gut, my immunity and my child the picky eater?

If you are experiencing persistent problems with your gut or digestion including frequent diarrhea, gas and bloating, if you feel like you catch every illness that comes by, and if you have a child who is a very picky eater (picky eating can sometimes be a symptom of food allergies & also can lead to nutritional imbalances) you can benefit from a professional nutritional evaluation and recommendations that are tailored to your unique biology. 

I have found that many people, before they become clients, don’t understand how effectively holistic nutrition can solve persistent problems.  This is one reason that I offer a free half-hour consultation to anyone new to my practice.  So please come in and talk with me!  There is nothing that makes me happier than a client who feels better!  Call 415-259-4471 24 hours a day to schedule your free half-hour appointment. 

Emily Bender is a board-certified nutritionist and the author of the food and nutrition section of the internationally-acclaimed best seller Our Bodies, Ourselves, published by Simon and Schuster.  Her practice, "Nutrition for the Whole Family," focuses on an ecological approach to wellness.  In addition to her work with individual clients, she is on the faculty of Hawthorn University where she trains other nutritionists to use to powerful tools of whole foods nutrition.  To find out more about her or to schedule an appointment, go to her website:

Preventing and Treating the Flu with Herbs and Nutrition

By Cheryl Fromholzer, AHG

When you are cold, your body shifts its resources into keeping your body warm, and takes energy away from your immune system. In addition, as the school season starts, there are more bacteria and viruses being traded among people as they re-group. And cold, rainy weather means you spend more time indoors where viral and bacterial pathogens get trapped and swapped more readily.

A Strong Immune System Starts at Home
From a holistic standpoint, the best way to prevent the flu is to support the immune system.  I’ll start with some very simple, non-herbal ways of building immunity.

Let’s begin with sleep. The very best way to support healthy immune function is to make sure you get enough sleep. 8 hours is the minimum amount of sleep an adult should get each night. Those who are in sleep debt really need 9 or 10 hours of sleep for their bodies to function well (in our over-achieving, sleep deprived culture, that is most of the adult population).

Nourish the body with a “whole foods” diet. Eat a diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and good protein sources. Stay away from processed foods and sugar. (Sugar has been shown to suppress your immune system for several hours after ingesting it!) I’m a firm believer in eating a healthy diet as a way of providing the vitamins and minerals your body needs as opposed to taking handfuls of supplements (although there are exceptions to that rule, some of which I’ll talk about in a moment).

While food is the best way to get most nutrients, supplementation can play an important role in giving the body the nourishment it needs for proper immune function.

There are a few nutrients we all tend to have insufficient levels of which help support a healthy immune system.

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone essential to healthy immune function in the respiratory system. The main food sources of Vitamin D are egg yolks and cod livers, but it’s really impossible to get sufficient quantities from those foods.

The main source of Vitamin D comes from sun exposure. In modern society, there are a couple of major contributing factors to chronic insufficient Vitamin D levels:
  • Most people don’t get enough sun. Mid-day sun is the optimum time for obtaining your daily dose of vitamin D – many people work in offices and receive little to no mid-day sunshine.
  • In our cancer-conscious culture, many people who get sun exposure cover up or use sunscreen which minimizes our body’s ability to produce Vitamin D.
  • We live in a northern latitude with a cloudy, rainy climate in the winter months. Outside of being a lifeguard, it’s nearly impossible to get enough sun exposure to produce the levels of Vitamin D we need in the winter months.
  • If you start with insufficient levels in the summer, those levels drop in the winter months when you are drawn inside more often. It’s no coincidence that colds and flus are more common in the fall and winter when it’s hard to get extended full body sun exposure at northern latitudes like ours.

For optimum health, an adult needs 10,000 IU of Vitamin D a day – the equivalent of the amount the body would produce through extended full body exposure to mid-day sun.

Leading Vitamin D researcher Dr. John Jacob Cantrell recommends daily doses of
  • 1,000 IU of Vitamin D3 for children under the age of 2,
  • 2,000 IU of Vitamin D3 for older children, and
  • 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day for adolescents and adults.

Zinc and Selenium are also important for the immune system, and also deficient in most people's diets. Zinc plays a critical role in the immune system where it helps regulate the production and activity of T lymphocytes (white blood cells that help fight infection) and natural killer cells (cells that battle cancer). Oysters, beef, yogurt, and pumpkin seeds are good food sources of zinc.

Vegetarians have an especially hard time getting enough Zinc because chemicals in grains and legumes (especially unfermented soy) block Zinc absorption.

Selenium is an important antioxidant. Deficiency is mostly due to the lack of this mineral in the soil. Good dietary intake of selenium comes from meats of animals raised on selenium-rich feed and grains grown in selenium-rich soils. Walnuts and especially Brazil nuts are also excellent sources.
  • According to Paul Bergner, a leading medical herbalist and nutritionist, the optimal daily dose of zinc is 40mg and 200 mcg of Selenium (note these values are much higher than the RDA recommendations).

Herbs and Mushrooms for the Immune System

Herbs, like whole foods and supplements, can help build a healthy immune system.

Echinacea is certainly the most well known herb for boosting immunity, but it is not appropriate for all people or all situations. Echinacea is an immune stimulant, kicking the immune system into action. The time to take Echinacea is at the very onset of illness. It is most effective when used in high, frequent doses. However, immune-stimulating herbs like Echinacea can be dangerous for people with auto-immune conditions like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis.

For building healthy immunity as a preventive measure, there are a number of herbs that support the immune system without overtly stimulating it. These herbs are called “immune modulators”.

Medicinal mushrooms like Reishi, Shitake, Maitake, and Chaga provide deep nourishment to the immune system and are appropriate for daily use. 

An easy way to get your medicinal mushrooms is to cook using shitake mushrooms.  Shitake has been used medicinally for hundreds if not thousands of years. You can use Shitake to increase your stamina, circulation, control cholesterol, improve your immune function and to protect yourself from viruses. Shitakes are a good source of protein and have high levels of antioxidants.

I especially like to make stir-fries with shitake mushrooms and onions, adding raw garlic at the last moment. Onions and Garlic are both anti-microbial, acting on bacteria and viruses. Cooked Onion retains these qualities but you want your garlic as raw as possible to reap the medicinal benefits.

For those of you that don’t like the smoky flavor of mushrooms, you can take mushrooms in capsule or tincture form. There are several excellent companies out there that make great mushroom formulas including Host Defense, the Herbal Apothecary and the Ancestral Apothecary.

Astragalus is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to strengthen the body's defenses against respiratory infections. Astragalus is available as dried, sliced roots and as a tincture. The sliced roots make a wonderful addition to winter soups or a simmering crock-pot of healthy winter cider.

Astragalus should be used only for cold and flu prevention to help build a healthy immune system. Discontinue use if an acute infection sets in as it can drive the illness deeper and be harder to treat once you are ill.

American Ginseng is great for immune support in elders and others who are weak and depleted. Stay away from Chinese and Korean Ginsengs as they tend to be too stimulating for all but the very frail.

My favorite herb for both cold and flu prevention and for treatment of acute viral infections is Elderberry. The syrup is easy to make and it tastes great (compliance is sometimes an issue when getting family members to take their herbs!). I recommend taking a teaspoon of the syrup 2-3 times a day as a preventive measure, more often if you come down with the flu. Elderberries have been shown to be effective against 10 strains of influenza virus by inhibiting the virus from attaching to cells and multiplying.

If you suspect you've been exposed to a flu virus, there are further steps you can take.
  • Burning aromatic herbs like Sage or Juniper
  • Using essential oils of Frankincense and Myrrh in a diffuser is a great way to kill airborne pathogens in your home.
  • Daily saunas will help to kill any pathogens that are beginning to make their home in your respiratory tract before they actually make you sick.
If you begin to feel that first tickle in the back of your throat that lets you know an infection is setting in, begin taking large (60-90 drop) doses of Echinacea tincture hourly, and hourly doses of Elderberry tincture or syrup as well -- and go straight to bed!

Dealing with the Flu
So, despite all your best efforts, you get the flu. What should you do?

First and foremost: go to bed. And do not get up for a week. You will feel better on the third day and be tempted to go back to work. Don't. People who don't get enough rest when they have the flu are more prone to secondary respiratory infections that can turn into pneumonia.

Secondly, reach for Elderberries. In most any form -- tincture, elixir, syrup.  Take it every hour that you are awake -- at least a teaspoon of syrup or a dropper of tincture or elixir. Elderberry not only helps shorten the duration of colds and flus when taken regularly, but is also good for coughs and lung congestion as it is mildly expectorating, especially in children.

If you are feeling nauseated, take small sips of Ginger tea. You just need a little bit of Ginger to calm your stomach. Ginger/lemon/honey –yum!

At the outset you will likely feel cold. Wrap yourself in blankets. Take warm baths. Put some Thyme in an old sock and throw it in your bath.  Drink Ginger tea.

In addition, it is important to drink lots of fluids, and “sweat” out your fever if you have one or feel one coming on. A fever is your body’s natural way of killing any virus or bacteria it encounters. If you speed-up the fever process by using herbs that make you sweat (diaphoretic herbs), you can “sweat out” the virus more quickly, and reduce the symptoms as well as the duration of your cold or flu.

In general, fevers that develop in response to infection will not rise to dangerous levels. The only reason to treat a fever is to make yourself more comfortable.

Stay hydrated, stay in bed, and do not eat until the fever breaks.

Flu Tea Recipe:
An ancient home remedy for breaking fevers is a tea of equal parts elder flowers and peppermint – especially useful for children. Whenever you are using herbs in tea form to break a fever, you want to drink it as a hot tea.

Other useful additions to this blend could be:
  • Boneset is ideal for alternating fever and chills. It also helps with the general body aches that come with the flu. It’s bitter, so best included with a bit of peppermint to help mask the taste.
  • Ginger – is stimulating and helps move the heat from the core of your body out to the periphery. It also helps with nausea.
  • Yarrow will help raise a temperature enough to kick the virus. To kill a virus, your fever must reach 101 degrees. If you have a slight fever, below 101 degrees, consider adding yarrow to your tea blend to increase your temperature and make you sweat.

Cheryl Fromholzer is a Western Clinical Herbalist who provides a multi-faceted approach to holistic medicine combining customized organic herbal formulas with nutritional education and lifestyle guidance.   She is an active member of the American Herbalist Guild, co-owner of Gathering Thyme, creator of the organic botanical line "North Rose Botanicals" and a faculty member of the Ohlone Center for Herbal Studies in Berkeley, California.  For more information or to book an appointment with her, check out North Rose Botanicals.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Holiday Spa Gift Workshop II: Bath Care

Where: Gathering Thyme Education Center (next door at 228 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.)

When: Tuesday, December 14th--7:00 to 8:30pm

Cost: $35 includes materials, customized products and recipes to bring home.

Surprise your family and friends this year with spa-quality handcrafted gifts they are sure to enjoy! Learn about the beneficial properties of a wide variety of natural ingredients, and put this knowledge to use making your own customized bath products. Choose to make a customized herbal bath tisane, aromatic bath salts or a skin-softening milk bath. 

This class is taught by Cheryl Fromholzer, creator of the organic skincare line “North Rose Botanicals” and co-owner of Gathering Thyme. Class size is limited to 10 people. Pre-registration required.

For more information, 
please call Cheryl at 415-298-0793.

Holiday Spa Gift Workshop I: Face Care

Gathering Thyme Education Center (next door at 228 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.)

Saturday, December 11th--11:00 to 1:00pm

Cost: $45 includes materials, customized products and recipes to bring home.

Surprise your family and friends this year with spa-quality handcrafted gifts they are sure to enjoy! Learn about the beneficial properties of a wide variety of natural ingredients, and put this knowledge to use making your own customized facial care products including an exfoliating facial mask and aromatic skin tonic.

This class is taught by Cheryl Fromholzer, creator of the organic skincare line “North Rose Botanicals” and co-owner of Gathering Thyme. Class size is limited to 10 people. Pre-registration required.

For more information, 
please call Cheryl at 415-298-0793. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Herb of the Month: Elderberry

This plant, which is a California Native, has long been used as a medicine to keep colds and flus at bay.   The flowers and fruits are both used medicinally. 
Herbalist Matthew Wood calls it one of the "three primal remedies of the European tradition."

He cites that it was once decreed that one should be planted in every yard in the realm of Charlemagne, to be a "medicine cabinet" at hand. 

Elderberry's delicious flavor makes it especially popular as a remedy for children, especially as a syrup. (Those of us with grown-up taste buds may prefer it as a cordial or steeped in wine). 
Elderberry syrup is a time-tested remedy for cold and flu.  Take 1-2 tsps. a day to help ward sickness off, or as much as 1 tsp. every hour during acute periods of illness.

You can get elderberry syrup here at the store, or if you prefer, you can make your own! 

Elderberry Syrup Recipe
1 cup dried elderberries
1 tbl. dried orange peel (optional)
1 tsp. cinnamon chips (optional -- use less if using powder)
1-2 tsps grated fresh ginger (optional)
4 cups filtered water

1/2-1c honey
1.) Place the elderberries, orange peel, cinnamon, ginger, and water in a pot. Bring the whole thing to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer until the liquid is reduced to one cup.

2.) Smash up the berries in the pan, then straain the mixture through a mesh strainer, reserving both the liquid and the pulp.

3.) Stir the honey into the liquid to form your syrup.  The more honey you use, the better your syrup will keep.

4.) Bottle and store the syrup the fridge, where it will last a few months.  The leftover pulp can be used in pancakes, waffles, smoothies, etc.

Recipe courtesy of North Rose Botanicals.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bearways: Ancient ways for Modern Living

Ancestors from all over the northern hemisphere looked to the bear for how to live in sync with the seasons. Today, bear teachings are still relevant and especially important for city dwellers. Awareness and practice of this information is most vital in the fall and winter to ensure year-round health. The focus of this class is to honor our connection with the earth by reviving traditions and remembering ways of living that serve to prepare us for the coming winter.

In this one-day workshop we will learn about why the bear is revered as a teacher, the basics of fermentation, the importance of preparing yourself and your home during the fall, and the tools and materials to take us through the ‘long sleep of winter’. Each session will also include some hands-on play. We will be making kombucha, bath salts, herbal teas, and dream pillows. Please join me for this informative and fun series to help you enter the cave of winter with joy and relief.

Saturday, November 13th from 10:00am – 5:00pm

$125 for the Saturday workshop

Where:Gathering Thyme Educational Center
228 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. in San Anselmo, CA

Pre-registration is required. For more information about the class and to register, call 510-524-2482. Please register early, class size is limited.

Bearways is taught by Julia Goerlitz, a life-long student of nature, art, and alternative medicine. She is a practicing homeopath and herbalist and is the owner and creatrix of Herbal Allies’ products. For more information visit

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Your Neighborhood Herb Shop Opens October 6th!!

A bountiful selection of freshly-dried organic herbs

We're busy putting the finishing touches on the store - product on shelves, pricing items and about a bazillion other little things that continually crop up -- but are happy to announce we're offically opening on October 6th. Please stop by, relax and sip a cup of tea and find out what we're all about! 

Locally-owned and staffed by experienced herbalists and healthcare educators, our goal is to empower and educate the community about self care using herbs and other natural remedies.
  • Bulk Herbs & Herbal Supplements
  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Flower Essences & Homeopathy
  • Natural and Organic Skincare
  • Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
  • Fine Teas and Spices
  • New and Used Books
  • Workshops and Herbal Studies
  • Holistic Healthcare Professionals
Mention this blog posting and receive 10% off your first order of non-sale items!

For more information, feel free to give us a call at 415-524-8693.

Blessings from the green world!
-Cheryl Fromholzer and John Malenic, Co-Owners and Community Herbalists

Friday, September 24, 2010

Herbs for the Cold & Flu Season

Learn how to care for yourself and loved ones with herbs during the cold season. We will discuss preventative health care, therapies for common winter illnesses, and how to prepare medicinal teas and syrups. Come learn how to prepare for a naturally healthy winter.

WHEN:  Saturday, October 23rd from 11 to 1pm
WHERE: Gathering Thyme - 228 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Anselmo, CA
COST:  $45.00

Space is limited to 8 people. 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Body and Soul Festival Workshop


Many Americans are accustomed to going to the drugstore for their cosmetics and medicines. It was not that long ago that these products and most other necessities of life had to be made in the home. The making and using of simple recipes and remedies today provide an excellent way to save money and at the same time to learn traditional skills that were once common knowledge.

In this hands-on workshop, learn how easy it is to make your own herbal first-aid salve to treat a wide variety of common conditions including cuts, scrapes, bug bites, diaper rash, burns, bumps and bruises. Each participant will leave with their own jar of first-aid salve.

This class is suitable for the whole family including children ages 10 and older... and it's FREE!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Herbal Spa Skincare Workshop

Create your own spa-quality skincare products tailored to your particular skin type

Date: August 21st - 1:00 to 5:00pm

Cost: $60.00 + a $30.00 materials fee.
Location: Gathering Thyme - 228 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Anselmo, CA

Learn how to make your own spa-quality skincare products tailored to your particular skin type. In this wildly popular hands-on workshop, you'll learn about the beneficial properties of a wide variety of natural ingredients... and put that knowledge to use making an exfoliating facial mask, nurturing skin tonic and rejuvenating facial serum. To set the mood, we'll begin class with an aromatic herbal facial steam! Handouts will also be included with lots of recipes and ideas for creating your own home skin and spa treatments including massage oils, salt and sugar scrubs, bath tisanes and salts... and much more. Register early - this class always fills!
For more information, contact Cheryl at or call 415-298-0793