Thursday, September 1, 2011

Herb of the Month: Mugwort

Mugwort is a powerful herbal ally for women's reproductive systems, and for bellies belonging to all of us, no matter what our gender or age is!

Mugwort has been used by many as an emmenagogue, meaning to stimulate menstruation, taken by those with irregular or suppressed menses. It has been suggested that mugwort stimulates the uterus, which agrees with some of the other uses of mugwort: as a tonic during labor and to relieve menstrual cramps. It has also been used for epilepsy, colds, fevers, bronchitis, colic, sciatica, kidney ailments, and as an appetite stimulent and nerve tonic. The volatile oil in the leaves make a good remedy for indigestion, upset stomachs, and other stomach ailments. Research shows it may lower blood sugar.

Mugwort has long been used to promote vivid, lucid, and prophetic dreams. It can be taken as a tea or smoked before bedtime, branches can be hung near the bed, or the crushed leaves and flowers can be put in a sachel or pillow to place on or near the bed.

In addition to its use with dreams, mugwort is associated with psychic powers in general. It is also used for protection, by hanging the plant over doorways either in whole branches or crushing the leaves and flowers to put in a sachel, often along with other herbs. Mugwort is sometimes ritually smoked, usually in combination with other herbs, and it has a nice smell, which makes a good herb for smudging. Mugwort is considered a sacred herb of Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon, the hunt, and chastity, which gives it its scientific name. Because of this the plant is also associated with the Moon and young women.

Latin Name: Artemesia vulgaris or Artemesia Californica (native)

Family: Asteraceace

Used as: tea, tincture, smudge, herb pillows, etc.

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